Scripps Behavior Core

Scripps Behavior Core

The Behavior Core at Scripps Florida provides an excellent resource for investigators wishing to include behavioral assays in their research programs.

Scripps Cell Based High-Throughput Screening Core

Researchers in the Cell-Based Screening (CBS) Core leverage high-throughput technologies towards a systematic description of the function of genes encoded by the human genome, and a more comprehensive understanding of the genetic basis for human disease.

Scripps Energy & Materials Center

The Energy & Materials Center at The Scripps Research Institute is developing new fundamental chemistry that will lead to revolutionary technologies in fuels, materials, and energy that will address these issues.

Scripps Flow Cytometry

Flow cytometry can be used for a variety of applications, most commonly including cell analysis or high speed cell sorting. The Scripps Florida Flow Cytometry Core (FCC) serves the Scripps Florida community as well as researchers from outside Scripps on a fee-for-service basis.

Scripps Genomics Core

Genomics Core at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI)-Florida strive to provide the best service possible to our research community and encourage all investigators interested in incorporating sequencing analysis to their projects

Scripps High Performance Computing Resources

Scripps High Throughput Screening (HTS)

High Throughput Screening (HTS) is a drug-discovery process widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. It leverages automation to quickly assay the biological or biochemical activity of a large number of drug-like compounds.

Scripps Histology Core

The Scripps Florida Histology Core (SFHC) is able to provide full histological services as well as technical support for investigators. The lab is equipped with the appropriate ventilated working areas and equipment to prepare, process and stain frozen or paraffin embedded specimens.

Scripps Mass Spectrometry amd Proteomics

The Proteomics Core at Scripps Florida offers a wide range of mass spectrometry-based proteomics services to assist with protein characterization, identification and quantification.

Scripps Metabolic Core

The Scripps Florida Metabolic Core has consolidated analytical and in-vivo laboratories with a number of applications ranging from feeding, sleep, temperature, blood pressure, body composition and metabolic monitoring in mice, to cellular metabolism and in-depth chemical analysis of hormones, nutrients, inflammatory mediators and more.

Scripps Molecular Screening Center and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

The Scripps Research Institute Molecular Screening Center will use Scripps Florida's high throughput robotics to screen discoveries made in laboratories in La Jolla and Jupiter, as well as other research institutions, against various biological targets. The goal is to uncover "proof-of-concept molecules" that could be useful in developing new treatments for a large number of human diseases.

Nuclear magnetic resonance, known as NMR, uses the magnetic properties of certain nuclei to study molecular structure.

Scripps X-ray Crystallography Core Facility

This core facility is to provide investigators state-of-the-art equipment and resources for crystallographic analysis of their target macromolecules and small inorganic or organic molecules.